Project Description

Biobank Translational Research Core Facility
Los Angeles, CA

This 19,000 SF addition houses the Biology Department’s teaching and research laboratories, and faculty offices.  The new core lab includes biospecimen collection and storage; dedicated research, pathology, and histology operations; electronic medical records access; chain of custody documentation; ethical and legal controls; quality management system; integrated informatics platform and tools for sample management, documentation.  Included within these amenities is the centralized biorepository and morphology core that supports the institution’s translational research goals.  The core adopts legacy specimens from elsewhere on campus and supports new prospective collection protocols.


“Max, Jim and the Ewing Cole Team were great to work with and they can be proud of what was accomplished. Each project was interesting & unique and EwingCole was instrumental in helping me deliver very successful projects to the Cedars-Sinai Research Department.”
Osvaldo Diaz Senior Architect
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
(Biobank and basement renovation projects)